Meaning of Conferences
Conference is a kind of meeting at which people exchange views and talk together. A conference is more informal than a committee. A conference is an act of consulting and discussing to share knowledge, experiences, thoughts,feelings and opinions among a group of people who have common objectives. It is a kind of meeting at which people pool their knowledge, exchange their views and talk together to analyse information which is relevant to the topic set before them. A group of people involved in conference can discuss their individual as well as collective problems. By pooling ideas and experience,conference provides collaborative thinking to the problems. These days,companies tend to be large, with top management located at a head office which may be thousands of miles away from individuals, plants, workshops, depots and sales outlets, where the ordinary activities of manufacture, selling and distribution take place. As a result, problems of internal communication arise.Such problems are usually sorted out in the conferences, even within the organisation, sales executive and employees hold conference to discuss their problems and prospects in sale.
How to Make Conference Effective:
The following steps may be taken to hold an effective conference :
(1) Establish the Conference Objectives : The conference can be held for more of the following reasons :
(i) To spread new information or provide feedback.
(ii) To co-ordinate the efforts of a specific nature and obtain group support.
(iii) To reconcile a conflict.
(iv) To motivate the members of a group.
(v) To solve a current problem within a group.
(vi) To initiate creative thinking within a group.
(vii) To win acceptance for a new idea, plan or system.
The objectives of conference should not be too broad but should be realistic so that these are feasible to be achieved.
(2) Outline Procedure and Pattern of Conference : It is the duty of the leader/chairman to outline the procedure and pattern of conference. He is to decide whether it will be an open discussion or directed discussion or training conference or seminar conference.
Open Discussion involves active participation of all the members involved to solve a problem or to discuss a topic or to achieve the set objective.
Directed Discussion involves the guidance of the leader (trainer in case of training for employees) in such a way that the facts, principles or concepts are explained.
In Training Conference the instructor gets the group to pool its knowledge
and past experience and brings different points of view to bear on the problem.
In Seminar Conference, the answer is found to a question or a solution to a problem. For this,the instructor defines the problem, encourages and ensures full participation in the discussion.
(3) Proper Physical Arrangement : There must be a proper physical arrangement in the conference. Every ones participating must get a Comfortable seat.Make sure the conference venue is as pleasant as possible and the chairs of the participants arranged in a such a way that each participant can see the speaker.Face to Face situation improves communication.There should be adequate
light, ventilation, alternative arrangement of light in case of power failure.There should be arrangement for stationary, drinking water and also of toilets/lavatories.
If the right size of the room is not available, it is better to select a small room because a small room presents a more friendly atmosphere than a large room which is not sufficiently filled. The following points must be considered regarding the place of the conference :
- Seating arrangement and the availability of extra seats, it needed.
- Proper lighting, heating and ventilation.
- Any visual aids required.
- Availability of extra paper and pencils.
- Name plates or name tags.
(4) Time of holding the Conference : The chairman is to decide the time at which conference can be held. It can be within business/working hours or after business/working hours or morning time or evening time etc. at which all the
members and persons concerned can conveniently attend it and participate in
(5) Size of the Conference : It is to be decided by the chairman regarding how many persons should be invited for attending the conference. The attendance should be viewed as management resources each able to contribute to the conference through knowledge or experience or both. Attendance by disinterested persons tends to increase non-relevant discussion and impede the meeting. So, the chairman should invite as many persons as necessary, not more. As the number of people invited increases, the ability of the chairman to predict the interaction which takes place becomes more difficult.
(6) Notice to Participants : Participants must be informed of the venue,time, dates, purpose and subject of the conference. The topic to be discussed is made known to the participants so that they can ponder and formulate the
views and participate actively when discussion in the conference starts.
(7) Discussion Material : Discussion material may be sent to all the participants well in advance. Many conventions and seminars require the organisers to prepare a folder for distribution to each visitor.
(8) Advertisement of the Conference : Conference cannot be a success unless
it is properly advertised in the trade journals and newspapers.It may also require brochures to be written, leaflets to be distributed.
(9) Prepare invitation, programme notes etc. Check all such material carefully so that details such as dates, times, venues etc. are not omitted.
(10) Moderator : The person who organizes the conference should serve as a moderator,making certain that all participants have an opportunity to speak and that the objectives of the conference are achieved.
(11) House Keeping and Conveyance : The proper lodging and boarding
arrangement for the delegates should be made. Transportation often present problem at such Conference in overpopulated cities.
Arrangements should be made to collect VIPs from stations. Moreover, police arrangement have to be made if conference is at disturbed areas.
(12) Visual Aids : Proper visual aids should be provided in the conference
that speaker may use them to have effective participation by each delegate. This will help to maintain the interests of the participants besides omitting a
the free flow of ideas.
(13) Opportunity to every speaker: In a conference all the speakers should
en be given adequate time to present his views. Discussion on the topics should
be encouraged. Speakers must be given very clear instructions on the length of time, they have for speaking and for answering questions.
At the end, chairman should summarise the main points of the discussion and the conclusions reached in the conferences. He also has to evaluate and indicate the success of the group in achieving its objective. Then, he should thank the members for their participation, contribution and help in examining the problem. The chairman's concluding remarks are meant to clarify the final ideas and to create a sense of achievement in the group.
Post Conference :
The local organizing committee should prepare a 'Receipts & Payments
Record of the meeting should be properly maintained. Such records should
show the number of participants and papers presented.
Someone, should prepare a brief report of the conference for newspapers.
Chairman should send a letter of thanks to each delegate, restating the main points of the conference. Also arrangement should be made to send any information requested in the meeting.
By keeping in mind above mentioned guidelines, the conductors of
conference as well as the participants can contribute to make a conference
Advantages of Conference :
Conferences provide the following benefits :
1. Provide Information : Conferences provide information through various
persons who are expert in different fields.
2. Stimulate Thinking: Conferences stimulate the thinking among participants and channelise their creative impulses.
3. Promote Healthy Relations : Conferences promote good relations among the participants by questioning and discussions.
4. Solution of Problems : Conferences help in finding out the solution to
the problems by discussions etc. Group decision is certainly better.
5. Pooling of Knowledge : It contributes to the pooling of knowledge of the participants with the help of active participation in discussion.
Disadvantages of Conferences :
These are as follows:
1. Expensive : To hold conference is very expensive these days.
2. Vocal Delegates Dominate :Usually vocal delegates dominate the conferences, others do not get opportunity to participate.
3. Lack of Interest: Some of the participants visit the conference gaining or contributing to the knowledge but to watch the side scenery/ies or places of historical importance, eg, if conference is held at Agra, main objective of the participants is to see 'Taj' in moonlight rather than participating in Conference.
4. Lead to Generalisation : Conferences lead to the generalisation (which are already known to the participants) and drift away from the specific problems which need greater attention. Too may cooks spoil the broth.
How to participate in a Conference :
These days of big-businesses and globalization of trade lay a special emphasis on conferences. A conference is a gathering of qualified and
mutually linked people who have usually a particular orientation. In a Conference people/participants meet to discuss and decide certain issues.The main target of the conferences is recommendatory in nature. A Conference is successful or not, it depends on the skill, attitude, knowledge and behaviour of the participants.So it is very important for the participants to have some the pre-requisites:
1. Spade-work : A participant should know it well that he/she should be well-prepared for participation. He/she should do some spade-work prior to the occasion. Knowledge of the agenda, supplementary questions related to it cannot be ignored. A participant should not be taken unawares. An enlightened speech/participation is always highly appreciated. It would be better if the participant pens down certain points for fear of slipping the mind.
2. Keen observation : You should have keen observation without which all your ideas and suggestions can be misdirected and misfixed. Closely observe what other participants have to say on the issue. You should critically evaluate different view points of other participants. You have to note down the biases, strong points and shortcomings of other participants. Such an attitude conference can be inculcated only through a keen interest in the proceedings of the conference.
3. Brevity: It is rightly said that brevity is the soul of wit. It is quite clear that time at the conferences is limited; most of the participants have to participate, so it is quite necessary that every participant should be brief and to the point. Come straight to the point without wasting your time on useless introductions or explications.
4. Poise : The participant has to keep poise first of his/her ideas and then of emotions. You should not be quickened by emotions but by ideas, arguments,facts and figures. Emotional outbursts are quite disastrous. You should have control over your thoughts, language and ideas lest you land yourself controversies and hit-backs. Don't trespass into the forbidden areas. Don't shout to impress upon others the justification of your point; it is a bad habit and should be discarded at the earliest.
5. Strike the iron when it is hot : It is not necessary to speak when it is not to the point. But at the same time it should be clear that keeping mum when you should speak is very dangerous. You should speak at an appropriate time. When the opportunity comes, catch it by the forelocks.
6. Co-operation : At the conferences urgent issues are discussed thread bare. All the participants are expected to contribute their maximum to make the conference a success. So it will be out of place to put others out of face. Spirit of co-operation should be generated. Mutual understanding and Co-existence should be your catch-word.You should not criticise other participants just for the sake of criticism, rather you should put your head with other heads to seek a solution to the problem under active discussion at the be your catch-word. You should not criticise other participants just for the sake of criticism,rather you should put your head with other heads to seek a solution to the problem under active discussion at the conference. You should not believe in policy of tug-of-war but of accommodation. The success of a conference depends on the participation of all the members. If the participants take it sincerely that they are meeting at a conference for seeking a solution to a problem only then it can be successful. Every participant should be given due weightage. A cordial atomsphere is a must for the transactions of the conference.
George R. Terry in his book Principles of Management has given fourteen ways for a chairperson to build helpful meetings/conference :
1. Don't call a meeting to decide something you can and should decide yourself, or when a series of telephone calls to individuals will adequately serve the purpose.
2. About three days in advance of the meeting or conference, send out notices giving the time and place of the meeting, appropriate material or reserach data, the agenda to be covered, and the approximate time the meeting will require, establishing a definite starting time.
3. Indicate clearly the purpose of the meeting to all members; that is, whether to supply advice, arrive at a decision, or accept or reject a certain proposal to be presented.
4. The day before the meeting review your notes for completeness. Give thought to possible questions that might be raised.
5. Make certain all members are informed of the meeting.
6. Encourage each member to participate.
7. Ask questions that cannot be answered with a "Yes' or 'No'.
8. Employ generous amounts of visual material but don't usurp all the time with a show.
9. Get all members to express themselves; do not permit one member to monopolize the discussion.
10. Be specific; make the discussions apply to the particular issues.
11. Keep to the agenda; let each member have a chance to express herself or himself, but get them back to the subject at hand if they wander, and sum up succinctly immediately following what they have stated.
12. Do not permit telephone calls to be transferred to the meeting room while committee is in session.
13. Present facts first, then proposals for solutions.
14. Write up all proceedings of the meeting and distribute copies to all group members and to the superior to whom the group reports.
Once it is decided to announce something through press conference it is required to consider various elements properly such as:
- When to hold the conference.
- Where to hold the conference.
- How to select spokespersons.
- Incentives to attend.
- The invitation.
- Arrangements on arrival and departure.
The practical implications of each of these elements are discussed below before focussing on the formal presentation and the question and answer session that normally forms the main part of the Press Conference.
When to hold the Conference :
TV news desks need at least two hours to edit material ready for transmission.So it is better to schedule or hold a morning conference to take advantage of the afternoon bulletins. One should be aware of these TV deadlines and Try to give TV reporters the first interview after the formal presentations.
Where to hold the Conference :
Information about the venue for the press conference must be gathered advance. Try and make it as accessible as possible for media representative and be sure that it is well equipped with phones, faxes, ISDN lines and good audio-visual facilities.The size of the room is also important. Make sure the platform height is all right and that the lectern and screens are adjustable great care should be taken over the seating arrangements.
How to select Spokespersons :
It is always wise to find the right a spokesperson and spokespersons are part of business life, but if the company's chairman or CEO is an ineffective speaker, than some other members of the team may be given the task of presentations and interviews .
Incentives to Attend :
In the present environment the incentives that ensure a good turn out reporters at press conference are the promise of a newsworthy story, accessible location, interviews and photo opportunities. Even the lure of lavish refreshment is not really necessary any more, although appreciate being looked after.
The Invitation :
An impersonal note to the 'Business Editors' is less likely to get the response than a personalised one. It is better to hand-write the quest's name rather than print it and to keep the details clear and to the point journalist want to know why they have been invited, where they should go, and what time they should arrive. Include a map and contact number.
Arrangement on Arrival and Departure :
Even though the formal proceedings may not have begun, first impression will have been made the moment journalists walk into the room. It is nice to ensure that there is someone to greet them and show them to their seats.