Thursday, April 8, 2021

Various Steps to be taken for improving Communication

 Communication is the life blood of the organization and without it the organization can not exist. Therefore all must ensure that there is adequate and smooth flow of communication in ail directions.

To improve or make communication effective anyone must know the present state of communication that can be done through measuring effectiveness of Communication.The effectiveness can be measured by following elements:

1. Clarity 

2. Adequacy 

3. Timing

4. Integrity.

Steps for Improving Communication:

To improve communication or to make it effective following steps must be ensured: 

1. Clarity in Idea : The communicator should be quite clear about what he wants to communicate.Communication is a process starting with ideation which includes generation of ideas which are meant for communication.

2. Purpose of Communication : Every communication has some purpose. The basic purpose of any communication being to get behavioural response from the receiver of the communication. The communication should be directed towards this objective by the efforts of communicator.

3. Empathy in Communication: The way for effective communication is to be sensitive towards receiver's needs feelings and perceptions. This is what psychologists cail empathy in communication implying putting leg's in other's shoes or projecting oneself into the view point of the other person.

4. Two Way Communication : Communication is a two way traffic and this fact must be realised in communication. Two way communication brings two minds together which is the basic core of any communication. It involves a continuous dialogue between sender and receiver of the message. Upward communication can become a reality in the organization and effective if this fact is recognised.

5. Appropriate Language: The subject matter of communication is transmitted by encoding it into some symbols. Such symbols may be in the form of words, either spoken or written and gestures. If the words are used, the language used for communication should be such which is understandable by the receiver.

6. Supporting Words With Action : Often it is said that action speaks louder than words. While Communicating the sender may use the actions to emphasise a point. This enhances the understanding as well as emphasises the important point in communication.

7. Credibility in Communication : One criteria for effective managerial communication is that it has credibility or believability. The subordinates obey the order of the superior because he has demonstrated through his competence that he is trustworthy.

8. Good Listening: A communicator must be a good listener too. By this process he is not only giving charge to others to speak but he gathers useful information for further communication.

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