Grapevine Communication.
The term grapevine communication is often used interchangeably with the term informal communication. This term was originated in the 1860s during the American Civil War. It was used as a term that described the telegraph lines that were strung through the trees in a manner that resembled grapevines. It is also came to mean informal communication that was not very effective because the telegraph system was not a reliable source of communication at the time. Almost a century later,it was discovered that the path of grapevine communication does resemble a cluster of grapes.
The 'grapevine Chains' are basically channel of horizontal communications, for it is only people working at the same level of hierarchy who can informally communicate with one another with perfect ease. Thus, the workers may have one grapevine and the first line supervisors another. But the fact is that the grapevine does not follow any set pattern and it can be effective horizontally, vertically and even diagonally.
It has been shown that informal communication or grapevine communication occurs when formal communication is not sufficient. Research and studies have concluded that informal communication occurs either when insufficient of ambiguous information is transmitted through formal communication. Some organizational theorists feel that some informal or grapevine communication is needed in organizational life.
Functioning of Grapevines:
The way grapevine communication works is one person, Person 1, sends a message to Person 2 and Person 3. Then, Person 2 tells Person 4 and Person 5. And Person 3 tells Person 6. Not all participants within the grapevine send messages. Some participants are just receivers.
Liaisons within an organization usually help facilitate grapevine communication. The use of this type of communication is common among managers as weil as subdivision employees.
The types of rumors that are spread through grapevine communication can be classified into two groups, spontaneous and premeditated. Spontaneous rumors are spread when people are stressed or in an untrustworthy environment. Premeditated rumors spread within highly competitive environments.
These two groups can be broken down into four classifications: wish fulfillment, anxiety, wedge drivers, and home stretchers. These types of rumors can also be spread through other types of informal network structures such as the single strand chain,the luster chain, the probability chain, and the gossip chain.
Characteristics of Grapevine :
(a) It transmits information in every direction throughout the organisation laterally and diagonally. The grapevine, thus, can even contact those organisational units that may have simply indirect formal relationships.
(b) Grapevine, being unrestricted by formal policies and procedures, transmits information rapidly. In it, the chain of command need not be followed. Once a message enters the grapevine it moves almost instantaneously at any point in the organisation.
(c) Grapevine is selective with regard to the person who receives the information. Some people are tuned into it and others are not. It is possible that some managers are even aware of the existence of the grapevine in the organisation.
(d) Grapevine extends beyond the formal system of hierarchy system of an organisation. It can occur off the Job.
(e) Grapevine, generally occurs orally. It arises out of social interactions among people.
(f)Grapevine is based on people rather than task.
(g) Grapevine does not follow a fixed pattern, as in the case with formal communication.
Importance of Grapevine:
(a) A Safety Value: Anxiety experienced by workers on matters like promotions and retrenchments become a passion with them Thus the grapevine acts as a kind of safety.Value for the pent up emotions of the subordinates.
(b) Organisational Solidarity and Cohesion:The existence of the grapevine proves that the workers are interested in their associates.
(C) Supplement to Other Channels: All information cannot be transmitted to the employees through the official channels. If there is any useful information unsuitable for being transmitted through official channels, it can be transmitted through the grapevine.
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